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Health & Medicine Advices

Medical advice is the provision of a formal professional opinion regarding what a specific individual should or should not do to restore or preserve health.

Typically, medical advice involves giving a diagnosis and/or prescribing a treatment for medical condition.

The relationship between a patient and a physician is based on trust, which gives rise to physicians’ ethical responsibility to place patients’ welfare above the physician’s own self-interest.

From $120

Patient-Physician Relationships

The practice of medicine, and its embodiment in the clinical encounter between a patient and a physician, is fundamentally a moral activity that arises from the imperative to care for patients and to alleviate suffering. The relationship between a patient and a physician is based on trust, which gives rise to physicians’ ethical responsibility to place patients’ welfare above the physician’s own self-interest or obligations to others, to use sound medical judgment on patients’ behalf, and to advocate for their patients’ welfare.

A patient-physician relationship exists when a physician serves a patient’s medical needs. Generally, the relationship is entered into by mutual consent between physician and patient (or surrogate).

From $250

Medical Social Services

Medical social services include addressing social and emotional concerns related to the patient’s illness and care; helping the patient access community resources to assist in recovery; and counseling for the patient and families.

A medical social worker, sometimes referred to as a health care social worker, helps patients and their families cope with illnesses. They help patients understand their illness or condition and provide them with information about the resources available to them to cope with the emotional, financial, and social needs that arise with a diagnoses. As an advocate for the patient, a social worker assures that patients’ emotional and social needs are met through their medical treatment.

From $220

Student Resources

We offer our students a wide range of services and opportunities to help you succeed academically and personally during your undergraduate period. You will gain practical experience through internships and field experiences, allowing you to apply your classroom knowledge in real world settings. And, if you need guidance, our faculty and staff are here to help! Visit the HDFS Advisement Center or make use of the CEHD Student Support Services.

From $160

Undergraduate Research Opportunities

The Undergraduate Research Program is open to all undergraduates. Undergraduate researchers are typically sophomores, juniors and seniors. Students research a field or specialty on which they want to focus their courses and careers; others are already making their own original contributions to their chosen fields. Students who hold college work-study grants may earn their grant money doing research. In the summers, a salary or stipend is often possible. The program provides information about research opportunities, connecting with faculty advisors, publication opportunities.

From $120


Not surprisingly the top of the charts, high blood pressure is often referred to as the "silent killer" as most people who have it don't know that they do. However, high blood pressure is entirely preventable and can even be partially treated by maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

According to Harvard Health , the following activities will help to avoid unhealthy blood pressure:

  • Eating a healthy diet with an emphasis on whole fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and non-hydrogenated fats
  • Restricting salt, sugar, caffeine and alcohol intake
  • Managing stress
  • Not smoking
  • Keeping hydratedGetting 7-9 hours sleep each night
  • Exercising daily

Another point to make here is that high blood pressure may be a result of clogged or stiff arteries. Blood thinning medications may provide temporary relief but do not actually work in the long run to help those with high blood pressure. Without making the above lifestyle changes, individuals with high blood pressure are at a very high risk of developing further complications such as heart or kidney disease.

Some natural foods that have shown promising results in clinical trials for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels include celery, green tea  (and many other herbal teas) and 100% pure pomegranate juice. Incorporating these foods in your diet could be an easy first step to leading a healthier lifestyle!

Keto is the shortened name given to the ketogenic diet; a type of diet that is low in carbs, high in fats and on the moderate to high side when it comes to proteins. The aim of the diet is to switch the body's metabolism from relying on glucose (carbs) to ketone bodies, a fuel produced by the liver when stored fat is burned. It is theorized that primates, humans and other mammals have adapted this way to survive periods of time when food is scarce, using ketones made from their stored fat reserves until they can find a decent meal.

Healthcare practitioners usually prescribe the diet to children with epilepsy, as it has been proven to reduce the frequency of seizures. However, in recent years it has been marketed as a weight loss diet due to the way it induces fat burning. 

Unfortunately, while the keto diet does indeed burn fat, it is a very extreme diet that can cause multiple nutritional deficiencies as well as liver and kidney issues. A lack of fiber combined with a lot of fat can also cause irregular stools too. 

The diet is also associated with higher "bad" LDL cholesterol - the type of cholesterol that worsens heart disease. Not to mention, too many ketones in the bloodstream can cause a state known as keto-acidosis, which dramatically lowers blood glucose levels and typically places the person in a type of diabetic coma that can even be fatal if not treated in time.

In spite of the risks, there are a few conditions for which a keto diet is appropriate. If you want to try the keto diet to lose weight or any other reason, it is very important that you consult with a registered nutritionist or dietician first. 

Hiccups are typically caused by irritation to the diaphragm, which can in turn be related to the vagus or phrenic nerves. When these nerves are firing due to irritation, they set off a reflex arc that produces hiccups. 

Most of the "cures" described for common hiccups revolve around creating an internal rise in abdominal pressure that interrupts the reflex.

Irritations to the diaphragm could include :

  • Swallowing too fast
  • Drinking carbonated beverages or alcohol
  • Too much stress or excitement
  • Sudden changes in temperature

In the case of persistent hiccups, the cause of irritation could be something more severe such as nerve damage, viral infection of the nerves (e.g. herpes simplex virus), a tumor, cysts, goiters, gastroesophageal reflux, a sore or swollen throat, etc. 

The truth is: there is no known cure for hiccups and it is technically not a medical concern unless you have been hiccuping for more than 2 days (48hours). The classic ways to get rid of ordinary hiccups include drinking cold water, holding one's breath, gargling ice water or breathing slowly in and out of a paper bag

In a short and sweet scientific paper titled "Miracle Hiccough Cure Gets the Attention It Deserves," two doctors describe a cure for common hiccups in which the person covers up both of their ears (do not stick your fingers in your ears, just press them firmly shut) and then slowly drinks an entire glass of water through a straw without pausing.  

For more severe hiccups that last longer than 48hours or that frequently return (aka intractable hiccups), seek the help of a healthcare practitioner immediately. The success of treating intractable hiccups relies on how well the cause has been identified  and a remedy could range from sedative drugs to surgery. Alternative methods of treating intractable hiccups also include acupuncture and hypnotherapy. 

A shrewd doctor once said, "a flu will last 7 days with medication and a week without!"

This is absolutely correct - a flu typically lasts for 3-7 days, no matter what you do to treat it. The reason is that all influenza is caused by a virus for which no anti-biotic or medication truly works; only immune support and good, old bed-rest will do!

Complications as a result of the flu, such as bronchitis, can last a few days to several weeks longer, depending on the state of your immune system. In some cases, the complications can be life-threatening, especially without medical assistance.  

Kidney stones are created when salts, minerals and other chemical compounds become concentrated enough to crystalize, forming kidney stones. According to Harvard Health , most kidney stones form due to combo's of calcium with either oxalate (found in raw cruciferous vegetables, but not if cooked for 10+ mins), phosphorus or uric acid (a protein by-product).

There are a number of things that can give rise to kidney stone formation:

  • Not drinking enough water each day
  • Too little or too much dietary calcium with too many oxalates
  • Excessive sodium, phosphates (soft drinks, preservatives), sugar or animal protein consumption 
  • Kidney diseases like polycystic kidney disease or gout
  • Abusing medications such as diuretics or calcium-based antacids
  • Consuming anything that may impair kidney function

HPV stands for Human Papillomavirus and is a sexually-transmitted infection that causes warts to appear in various parts of the body, depending on the viral strain transmitted (of which there are over 100!) . 

There is no known cure and some forms of the virus can be chronic, lifelong or resolve mysteriously on it's own. Many types of HPV are harmless while other types can cause cancer. Mothers can also transmit the disease to their children through pregnancy, giving birth or breast-feeding.

The simple answer is to make healthy lifestyle choices. Drink more water, exercise daily, sleep well, consume an abundant rainbow variety of fibrous fruits and vegetables, avoid consuming too many toxins and restrict your intake of trans-fats. Research has found that many edible plants contain compounds known as "sterols" which help to keep cholesterol levels in check. 

The amount of calories you need each day depends on how active you are, your age, gender and body type.  

If you lead a sedentary lifestyle, you also don't need as many calories. To give a rough idea, a male needs to consume ±2400-3000 calories per day and a female ±1800-2400 per day; with the lower end of these ranges applying to an inactive lifestyle and the higher end applying to an active lifestyle respectively. After 40, men require ±2200-2800 and women ±1800-2200, while after 60 it decreases for men to ±2000-2600 and to ±1600-2000 for women.

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